Webinar: Feedback at the Forefront with Dr. Troy Hicks & Shaelynn Farnsworth

Webinar: Feedback at the Forefront with Dr. Troy Hicks & Shaelynn Farnsworth

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Research shows that better feedback drives better revision, which is the key to writing growth, and yet there is an often-misplaced desire to replace the kind of feedback that students really need with only a single, teacher-generated grade. The elusive, yet worthwhile, goal for educators is to find more effective and efficient ways to offer feedback for students that is timely, specific, and goal-oriented, while also being standards-based and calibrated. With a few small shifts in the ways we provide feedback — and think about assessment in general — teachers and school leaders can make a substantive difference in student learning.

In this edWebinar, literacy experts and authors Dr. Troy Hicks and Shaelynn Farnsworth discuss ways to shift towards feedback-centered writing instruction, all in an effort to save time on grading and encourage student writing growth. Learn specific strategies (and tech tools) for moving feedback to the forefront of instruction and assessment. By giving effective feedback, implementing AI-based feedback, and calibrating teacher feedback across a school or district, we can help our students grow as writers.

Rethink the lens through which you guide and measure your writing program by seeing how other schools are growing successful student writers through Writable, a comprehensive program for writing instruction and assessment. Together, both examine data while also learning how to make that data actionable by folding it back into instruction and assessment in easy, effective, and personalized ways.


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