We know the fall can be an overwhelming time for teachers and students alike. Helping students to gain confidence in creating longer pieces of writing is a journey. And giving feedback on any long piece of student writing can be a trek! However, we all know that simply getting started is the key to climbing these seemingly mountainous tasks.
Short pieces of writing, especially when guided, are perfect for getting students back into a writing routine after the summer without overwhelming them, and these types of assignments can also be easier for an educator to give more targeted, short, and direct feedback on.
With Writable, you can make your own assignment or choose from over 600 customizable prompts and assignments, including paragraphs, quick writes, and summaries. These are some of our most popular short response assignments for back-to-school (psst, they are clickable):
Elementary Short Response Assignments
Explore more elementary short response assignments >
Middle School Short Response Assignments
Explore more middle school short response assignments >
High School Short Response Assignments
Explore more high school short response assignments >
All assignments in Writable include student-friendly checklists and guided feedback with sentence starters and AI-powered revision recommendations. Guide your students into the new school year successfully with Writable!
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