Differentiated Assignments

Every learner is different, so by differentiating learning we are able to help all learners advance towards the same goal. We can accomplish this by providing the specific supports and resources that each student needs. While you can create your own assignment levels in Writable, we know that can also take time that not every educator has readily available. Now you can find differentiated assignments that are ready to go and designed for grades 3-12.

After a year of interrupted education, educators might find these assignments particularly handy. These assignments can help determine the level of support every student needs, measure and track progress, and accelerate learning. 

Every assignment is available at three varying levels, ranging from light scaffolds (level 1) to substantial scaffolds (level 3). By using these assignments you’re able to scaffold instruction and reach all students with gradual release from substantial support to full writing independence. Each assignment can be completed in one or two class periods, or you can combine assignments within each collection to create longer curriculum units.


High School Differentiated Assignments

Argument and Informational Skills Activities: Each assignment focuses on a key skill with the argument and informational genres. There are 6 assignments for genre, each featuring a reading that is scaffolded with highlights and explanations depending on the level of support. The assignments can be used for individual practice or combined to create a curriculum unit.

The lessons in this collection exist at three different levels of scaffolding:

  • Level 1 (light scaffolds) is an on-level lesson. Before writing, students complete Graphic Organizers guiding them to analyze the reading and plan their writing.
  • Level 2 (moderate scaffolds) is for students who may require additional support. Students complete Graphic Organizers with Sentence Starters and other scaffolds.
  • Level 3 (substantial scaffolds) is for students who perform below-grade level in text analysis or writing, or may speak English as a Second Language, and require additional support. Students are supported with Sentence Starters and fill-in-the-blank scaffolds.



Middle School Differentiated Assignments

Single Paragraph: This collection includes single-paragraph Response to Reading prompts with 6 assignments per genre (informational and argument) that can be used on their own or combined to create curriculum blocks. Each assignment prompt is differentiated to three varying levels of scaffolding and support to meet the needs of all students. The types of support include organizers, sentence starters, hoverexplanations, and more. The Time for Kids readings are Lexiled from 690-1090 and available in Spanish.

Multi-Paragraph: This collection includes multi-paragraph Response to Reading prompts with 6 assignments per genre (informational and argument) that can be used on their own or combined to create curriculum blocks These assignments are designed to build proficiency in writing a well-structured, persuasive speech. Each assignment prompt is differentiated to three varying levels of scaffolding and support to meet the needs of all students. The types of support include organizers, sentence starters, hover explanations, and more. The Time for Kids readings are Lexiled from 690-1090 and available in Spanish.

To support educators, these assignments include answer keys to help guide your feedback and scoring. These keys include sample completed organizers and responses to the prompts.



Elementary Differentiated Assignments


Single Paragraph: This collection includes single-paragraph Response to Reading prompts with 6 assignments per genre (informational and opinion) that can be used on their own or combined to create curriculum blocks. Each assignment prompt is differentiated to three varying levels of scaffolding and support to meet the needs of all students. The types of support include organizers, sentence starters, hover explanations, and more. The Time for Kids readings are Lexiled from 450-900 and available in Spanish.

Multi-Paragraph: This collection includes multi-paragraph Response to Reading prompts with 6 assignments per genre (informational and opinion) that can be used on their own or combined to create curriculum blocks These assignments are designed for students who are already comfortable with single-paragraph writing or who have completed the assignments in single-paragraph collection. Each assignment prompt is differentiated to three varying levels of scaffolding and support to meet the needs of all students. The types of support include organizers, sentence starters, hover explanations, and more. The Time for Kids readings are Lexiled from 450-900 and available in Spanish.

To support educators, these assignments include answer keys to help guide your feedback and scoring. These keys include sample completed organizers and responses to the prompts.


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