Why I Write

Have your students ever asked how writing connects to the real world? We know that students often don’t understand why writing matters. Everyone – from an actor to a scientist to a banker – needs to write to persuade a colleague or communicate with a friend. Shockingly, only 24% of students in the US can write proficiently by 12th grade. (NAEP)

Thursday, October 20th is National Day on Writing, a campaign hosted by NCTE, and Twitter is abuzz with examples of #WhyIWrite! Inspire your students with real-world responses to the statement “Why I write” from employees at Google, BMW, the Smithsonian, HSBC, Stanford and more. We’ll be adding more over the next few weeks, so check back soon!

PS – Are you and your PLN on Twitter? Please help us spread the word about #WhyIWrite today by re-tweeting your favorite @getwritable.

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